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Denmarks Population Steady Growth And Immigration Influence

Denmark's Population: Steady Growth and Immigration Influence

2022 Population Increase and Ukrainian Immigration

As of June 18, 2024, Denmark's population stands at 5,938,681, according to Worldometer's elaboration of United Nations data. In 2022, the country's population rose by 59,234, with Ukrainian immigration accounting for approximately 45% of this increase.

Current Population Projections

Based on projections from the latest United Nations data, Denmark's population is estimated to reach 5,939,693,974 on July 1, 2024.

Urbanization and Population Density

Denmark's population is largely urban, with 87.8% residing in urban areas, equivalent to 5,191,155 people in 2023. The country's population density in 2023 is 139 people per square kilometer.


Denmark's population continues to grow steadily, with immigration playing a significant role in shaping its demographic landscape. The influx of Ukrainian immigrants in recent years is a testament to the country's welcoming attitude and its commitment to providing refuge to those in need. As Denmark navigates these population shifts, it is essential to consider the implications for housing, education, and healthcare services, ensuring that all residents can fully participate in the social and economic development of the country.


