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Amazon Relaxes Marijuana Screening Policies

Amazon Relaxes Marijuana Screening Policies

New Guidelines for Federal Support Ramp-Up

Policy Adjustments and Changing Drug Testing Procedures

Amazon, a leading e-commerce company, has revised its screening policies regarding marijuana use. This move aligns with the company's increased support for federal cannabis legalization and the evolving societal attitudes towards marijuana.

In a recent announcement, Amazon revealed that it would no longer include marijuana in its comprehensive drug screening program for most job applicants. This policy shift reflects the growing acceptance of marijuana as a legal substance in many parts of the United States, as well as the recognition that marijuana use does not necessarily impair job performance.

Amazon's decision also includes adjustments to its Time off Task policy. This policy allows employees to take time off for personal reasons, including medical appointments. The revised policy will now permit employees to use Time off Task for appointments related to marijuana use, further demonstrating the company's commitment to supporting employees' well-being.

Benefits of Relaxed Screening

  • Increased Applicant Pool: Removing marijuana screening broadens Amazon's potential applicant pool, allowing them to consider a wider range of qualified candidates.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: The policy change promotes diversity and inclusion by removing a potential barrier for individuals who may have used marijuana in the past.
  • Focus on Productivity and Performance: By focusing on job performance and productivity rather than marijuana use, Amazon can better assess candidates' suitability for the role.


Amazon's relaxation of marijuana screening policies is a significant step towards aligning with changing social norms and legal frameworks. By prioritizing job performance and well-being, the company demonstrates its commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment for all employees.

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